1. Starte GNOME Disks (auch bekannt als Disks).

    For example, you can press the Super () key, then type disks and choose Disks.
    Choose Applications ▸ Utilities ▸ Disks.

  2. Stecken Sie den Zwischenspeichernden USB-Stick an, auf dem Sie Tails installieren wollen.

    Alle Daten auf diesem USB-Stick gehen verloren.

    Der persistente Speicher Ihres Tails-USB-Sticks wird nicht in das temporären Tails kopiert.

    A new drive appears in the left pane. Click on it.

  3. Click on the Drive Options button in the title bar and choose Restore Disk Image.

  4. In the Restore Disk Image dialog, click on the file selector button.

    Choose the USB image that you downloaded earlier.

    Make sure that the USB image is called tails-amd64-6.2.img and has an .img file extension.

    If the image has an .iso file extension, it is the wrong image. Please go back to the download step. download step. download step.

  5. Click the Start Restoring button.

  6. Klicken Sie im Bestätigungsdialog auf Wiederherstellen.

    Depending on your Linux distribution, you might be asked for your administration password.

    The installation takes a few minutes.

  7. After the installation is finished, click on the Eject button.