Utiliza esta sección si el Gestor de Arranque aparece, pero no aparece la Pantalla de Bienvenida al arrancar Tails.

Verificar tu memoria USB de Tails

  1. Wait 2–3 minutes and try again. Some USB sticks need some rest after installing.

  2. Try all other USB ports on the computer. Some USB ports cannot be used to start from.

  3. Asegúrate de haber instalado Tails usando alguno de los siguientes:

  4. Make sure that you have verified your download of Tails.

  5. Make sure that you have verified your download.

  6. Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

  7. Try to install on a different USB stick.

  8. Try to use the same USB stick to start on a different computer.

Try the Troubleshooting Mode entry

In the Boot Loader, choose the Troubleshooting Mode entry, which works better on some computers.

Prueba la entrada Disco Duro externo

In the Boot Loader, choose the External Hard Disk entry, if it is available. Some USB sticks need this entry in order to start Tails.

Check our list of known issues